We Love Sonja Meyer!

This is the tenth (tenth!) in our ongoing series celebrating our happy customers. This week we’re profiling Sonja Meyer, the “Uprooted Yogi”. Her husband of 20 years passed away this past September, leaving her as a single mom of two adult and two teenage children. During this difficult time, the camaraderie of her fellow students has been instrumental in her healing and spiritual growth.

It is our honor to highlight this very special woman and yoga lover.

Full image of the Big Raven Yoga 'Symbol of Perfection' yoga mat Cropped image of the Big Raven Yoga 'Symbol of Perfection' yoga mat

QTell us a little bit about yourself…

AI am going through an amazing journey of self discovery right now. My husband of 20 years passed away suddenly in September 2018, leaving me as a single mom to 2 adult and 2 teen children. My plans to begin a Holistic Health and Wellness business were fast-tracked! I recently completed an AAS in Holistic Health and am now trying to start a business teaching yoga, holistic health, and nutrition coaching. During this difficult time in my life my saving grace was my yoga teacher training. The camaraderie of fellow students combined with the mind, body, spirit connection that yoga brings into my life has been instrumental in my healing and spiritual growth.

QWhat kind of asanas do you practice?

AI practice variations of hatha. Some days it’s a slow flow, others it’s a vinyasa. I like to call it “Sonja yoga”.

QHow long have you been a yogi?

AI have been practicing yoga since the late 1990s, completed my training through Yoga Alliance in December 2018, and have been formally teaching for 7 months. (I got a sub gig a few weeks before I was official!)

QWhat role does yoga play in your life?

AYoga is not just about the asana to me. I strive to live out the 8 Limbs of Yoga everyday. The asanas keep me balanced, my flows often mirror how my life is flowing. The pranayama keeps me calm, I do breathwork constantly, especially living with teen girls. Meditation and mindfulness keep me grounded and connected with my mind and spirit.

QDo you have a favorite pose?

AAt the moment it is gomukhasana with a forward fold. This cow face pose variation is an IT band saver!

QHave you ever had a “yoga moment”, something that happened during practice that you didn’t expect? That made you laugh, brought you joy, made you cry?

AI was literally thrown into my first teaching experience. I was asked to sub a class for teacher who was getting ready to go on maternity leave. The day I was supposed to audit the class and meet the teacher, I learned that she had her baby the night before and was asked to teach the class. Talk about trial by fire! I was able to pull up the flow I was going to use as my final project in yoga teacher training and rocked it!! It was the most amazing feeling to know I had the knowledge and skills to teach people. Happy dance!! I was hooked and love every minute with my students.

QIs there a pose that used to be a “pillar pose” — one that you were working toward — that is now accessible to you?

AI’ve been working on crow pose. It has taken me a while to master the perfect hand placement and gaze. Setting up a special drishti has been key! I can gaze at it and it helps me hold the pose. Next up, an unassisted handstand!

QWhen you placed your order with Big Raven Yoga, what made you choose Symbol of Perfection?

A When I chose it, I didn't realize how fitting the name of the mat was. My life has been less than perfect, but my yoga practice allows me to find balance and beauty in the imperfections. I was drawn to the celestial blue design and the line work on the mat beautifully helps align my feet. It’s a marriage of beauty and practicality.

QDo you have your eyes fixed on any other Big Raven designs? If so, which one(s) and why?

AI would love, love, love a Ragnar mat! I’m running my first Ragnar in the fall and it would be so much fun to bring one along for the adventure.

QDo people ask you about your mat?

AYes, people do and I constantly sing your praises. The main question is grip. I haven’t slid once and can’t stop talking about that!

Thank you SO much, Sonja — I really appreciate you taking a few minutes to talk to all of us at Big Raven. You are an inspiration in your practice and service of others, especially when your personal challenges have been great. Much love to you, our Uprooted Yogi!

Sonja owns Symbol of Perfection. You can see a lot more photos of this mat in action on her Instagram!

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