The Best Bridesmaid’s Gift!

The Earth Laughs in Flowers Yoga Mat

I was cruising Pinterest recently and happened to notice there is not a lot of variety in what bridal couples can choose from when selecting gifts for their wedding party.

The Earth Laughs in Flowers Yoga Mat

Monogrammed robe? Um… that one has been done time and time and time again. While sweet, it’s probably safe to say it’s run its course.

Matching necklace and earrings? A nice gesture — but jewelry to match one another isn’t the same as jewelry selected to say I care about you, right?

A quick “personalized something” with free shipping from Amazon Prime? Oh boy. That solution screams, “I forgot and time got away from me… I swear you’re important to me… even though I didn’t get this thing done.”

A wedding party is typically made up of the best of the best. The best friends, the most loved family members, the people who are willing to take off from work, invest in a dress or tux, travel, and “be there” for the happy couple. These folks are gems and deserve something that says more than just “thanks”… it should also say “I love you and appreciate the effort you’ve made to support us on our very special day.”

Giving a thoughtful, luxurious, unique, desirable — ahhmazing gift that also represents the bridal couple. Does such a unicorn exist?


We have a way for couples to win the Pinterest wars for the most incredible gift to their wedding party. (You’re never gonna guess what I’m going to sugggeEEEESSSsst…)

The Earth Laughs in Flowers Yoga Mat

Imagine what it would feel like to present everyone with something they would be overjoyed to receive? Not just happy — a thrilled and elated kind of happy. If you’re wondering why people go nuts over our customized yoga mats… here’s why: this isn’t your standard issue-foamy-purple-waffle weave-disposable-quick-to-look-gross yoga mat. Our mat is waaaaaaay different. Way.

Brides (and grooms) can continue to savor the colors, themes, flowers, aesthetic, and vibe of their wedding each and every time they go to yoga, or use their fitness mat after a long run, or find themselves in a rejuvenating self-care meditation.

Our mats are thicc — 4.5mm! — so they feel good under knees and hips. They’re also machine washable — which is basically unheard-of in the land of yoga and fitness mats. Our mats have the surface of a yoga towel fused to a grippy eco-rubber tree base. Big Raven Yoga mats are soft, luxurious, beautiful, and customizable.

We print each of our yoga mats to order right here in Minneapolis, so we can design and print whatever we want in small artisanal batches — we don’t have to wait weeks and weeks for a giant shipment of generic pre-printed mats to arrive on a huge cargo ship from China. And because we design and print ourselves, a collaborative, creative conversation with the bride and groom is always included in the price of the mats.

Here are just a few of the custom pieces we’ve recently designed for wedding parties:

You’ll cherish forever the pictures and videos from your wedding day, but I think it’s safe to say you might only look at your album or watch your video once a year — if that. Your yoga mat, however, will be your constant companion and a sweet reminder of one of your most favorite days ever.

When you’re ready to create your custom mat, please reach out — I’ve got way more yoga mat ideas than I can reasonably put on our site, and I’d love to put some of these ideas to work just for you!

(And, in case you need more convincing, we’re not alone in thinking that our yoga mats make the best bridesmaids’ gifts: Check out Destination I Do and their Gifting Guide for Bridesmaids, AKA Six Ways to Spoil Your Best Maids!)

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