

Freebie Friday! 03.15.2019

Nostalgia. Webster’s Dictionary defines “nostalgia” as… (Wait, wait, wait. I’m gonna stop you right there. The Urban Dictionary defines “Webster’s Dictionary” as “The first two words of a speech given by a complete tool,” so let’s not start with that. Try again — Ed.) The Nigerian poet Jenim Dibies defines “nostalgia” as “A feeling that lingers long after the taste is gone” (from her second collection of poetry, The Calligraphy of God). Incredibly, she started — and finished — all of the poems in this collection in a single day. (MUCH better — Ed.) The yoga mat that most evokes nostalgia for us is...

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Freebie Friday! 03.08.2019

Aaaaand we’re back! That’s right, Freebie Friday is BACK, baby, rested and refreshed and better than ever! (Did you even realize we were gone? *sniff*) Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, so let’s celebrate with a quote from one of OUR favorite feminist icons, Susan B. Anthony. (Not to be confused with Susan A. Anthony or Susan C. Anthony. Why is she always Susan B. Anthony? Were there that many other Susan Anthonys in the suffrage movement that it was causing confusion? These are some of the things we wonder about while running yoga mats through our printers. It’s...

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Freebie Friday! 12.14

There are several theories on the “motivation for change.” One I think about a lot is “current state” versus “desired state”. It goes something like this: Let’s say I have a goal to lose weight. If I want to lose 10 pounds, my current state and my desired state are not that far apart. So while I need to stay motivated to achieve my goal — I can see the near future when I am living my desired state. Now let’s say I want to lose 100 pounds. My current state and my desired state are really far apart — it will...

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Freebie Friday! 11.16

Bill Shakespeare knew better than most that it is not the stars that hold our fate, but our own decisions and choices, our own ambitions, our own gumption. Don’t sit around and wait for others to choose your destiny for you; choose it yourself. Don’t sit at home and curse the foul weather; grab your mat and get yourself to yoga. You’ll undoubtedly feel better — and feel better about yourself — by making a choice. Download It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. William Shakespeare (This freebie was designed by Karla in her own inimitable...

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Freebie Friday! 11.09

Hey U.S. citizens! Did you express your right to vote this week? It’s our civic duty! Your vote matters, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! We’re closing out the election week with a quote featuring the Notorious RBG. Feeling inspired yet? We sure are! Download My mother told me to be a lady. And for her that meant be your own person, be independent. ~ Ruth Bader Ginsberg

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